Due Diligence of Djubginskaya CHP construction project
In April 2013, EF-TEK LLC completed an independent due diligence of the Djubginskaya CHP Construction Project implementing by INTER RAO UES OJSC and QUARTZ – New Technologies LLC.
The due diligence was held for assessment of the main risks preventing start-up of the plant within the established deadlines. Tasks of EF-TEK LLC included the following:
express analysis of the construction site and external infrastructure;
analysis of the design documentation and offered design solutions;
analysis of the contracts and project management organization chart;
analysis of the investment project implementation schedule;
description of the current situation under the project;
analysis of the project risks.
The Djubginskaya CHP Construction Project is included to the Program for Construction of the Olympic Games and Development of Sochi as an Alpine Climatic Resort approved by Decree No. 991 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29th, 2007. The new power plant will provide power supply for the Games of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Installed capacity of CHP will be 200 MW.
Inter RAO UES OJSC (Inter RAO) is one of the largest Russian energy companies. It works both in the Russian and overseas markets. The scope of activities of Inter RAO includes generation and sales of electricity and heat, international energy trading, engineering, designing and construction of power facilities. Inter RAO also controls some energy companies abroad including thermal and hydro power plants, electric grid and energy trading companies. Total headcount of Inter RAO Group as of late 2011 exceeded 47,000 people; total installed capacity of generating assets was 28.2 GW.
QUARTZ Group specializes in turnkey construction of new power facilities, implementation of repair campaigns and programs for modernization, retrofitting, and reconstruction of power facilities.
The due diligence was held for assessment of the main risks preventing start-up of the plant within the established deadlines. Tasks of EF-TEK LLC included the following:
express analysis of the construction site and external infrastructure;
analysis of the design documentation and offered design solutions;
analysis of the contracts and project management organization chart;
analysis of the investment project implementation schedule;
description of the current situation under the project;
analysis of the project risks.
The Djubginskaya CHP Construction Project is included to the Program for Construction of the Olympic Games and Development of Sochi as an Alpine Climatic Resort approved by Decree No. 991 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29th, 2007. The new power plant will provide power supply for the Games of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Installed capacity of CHP will be 200 MW.
Inter RAO UES OJSC (Inter RAO) is one of the largest Russian energy companies. It works both in the Russian and overseas markets. The scope of activities of Inter RAO includes generation and sales of electricity and heat, international energy trading, engineering, designing and construction of power facilities. Inter RAO also controls some energy companies abroad including thermal and hydro power plants, electric grid and energy trading companies. Total headcount of Inter RAO Group as of late 2011 exceeded 47,000 people; total installed capacity of generating assets was 28.2 GW.
QUARTZ Group specializes in turnkey construction of new power facilities, implementation of repair campaigns and programs for modernization, retrofitting, and reconstruction of power facilities.