Electric power industry
Electric power industry is a branch of energy power engineering combining production, transportation and sales of electric power. Electric power facilities are as follows:
- Power plants of different types and capacity – thermal, nuclear, hydraulic, plants based on renewable energy sources;
- Transmission power grid (substations, overhead and cable lines) including elements of power distribution schemes for largest electric power plants;
- Distribution power grid (substations, overhead and cable lines) including elements of power distribution schemes for relatively small electric power plants;
- Dispatch control facilities.
EF-TEK team is experienced in the development of essential electrotechnical decisions within development of concepts, business-plans and feasibility studies for the construction of generating facilities. We develop essential main electrical grid diagram, auxiliary equipment power supply schemes; concepts of power distributions schemes for different variants with regard of energy system modes; we estimate possibility of joint work of large industrial enterprises and power plants within local energy systems.
Concerning electric grid, EF-TEK offers its clients services in the field of cost estimate for the construction of grid facilities and substations during pre-design stages. Experience in the construction cost estimate for such facilities was accrued during many years of design works for FGC UES, OJSC facilities, as well as during effective cooperation with Institute Energosetproject, OJSC, Ministry of Energy and NP Energy Consumers Association in 2011. Available best practices can be of interest for rapid assessment of investment programs for electric grid companies to check justification of stated capital costs, as well as to assess justification of costs for technological connection to grid.
- Transmission power grid (substations, overhead and cable lines) including elements of power distribution schemes for largest electric power plants;
- Distribution power grid (substations, overhead and cable lines) including elements of power distribution schemes for relatively small electric power plants;
- Dispatch control facilities.