Energy saving & renewable energy sources
Improvement of energy efficiency and share of renewable energy source usage are among priorities of the state authorities in Russia. Increased energy intensity, and energy wastage are serious obstacles for Russian companies to become competitive on the world markets.
The company EF-TEK is aware of its participation in such projects as one of its strategic priorities, and orderly prepares its resource base to provide services in such directions. Our team is well-oriented in energy saving technologies for the production of heat and electric power, that is why we regularly use them during concept development for the construction of electric power stations, as well as during Due Diligence.
EF-TEK, LLC cooperates with the Dutch company Ekwadraat B.V. specialized in engineering services in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency improvement. During 10 years of its existence, Ekwadraat B.V. realized several tens of projects in Europe, China, CIS countries in the field of bioenergy (based on biogas and biomass), geothermal and solar energy, production of efficient systems of water supply and water dump, as well as improvement of energy efficiency in residential and administrative buildings. In some projects Ekwadraat B.V. helped to attract investors, including large banks in Holland.
EF-TEK employees accrued great practical experience to realize projects in the field of geothermal energy participating actively in the projects of Mutnovskiye GeoHES construction in Kamchatka in the 1990th. Also they accrued significant experience of the construction concept development for small HPP.
A number of EF-TEK experts are experienced in energy due diligence conducted in the field of energy power engineering and industry. Employees of the company were trained respectively, and EF-TEK has an access to energy investigations being a member of SRO NP “Energy Efficiency Control”.
Together with our partners, we are ready to offer the interested clients qualitative services in the field of energy efficiency and RES aimed for the achievement of practical result.